Do you have a friend or a family member who every time you see them, they are constantly taking a puff on their cigarettes. They are known as compulsive smokers and are addicted to smoking. If you are concerned of their wellbeing, here are a few steps you can take to encourage them to quit.
Sit them down and tell them that you are concerned about them. Ask them why they started smoking. Reason with them. Be honest about the situation. Don’t attack them outright. Do not use words like you are smoking too much and it’s bad for your health. It sounds like an accusation, and their first instinct will be to go on the defense. Start with a simple, I’m concerned about you, you seem to be smoking a lot. Is everything alright?
Then ask them if they would like to quit. If they do, be happy for them and encourage them all you can. If they don’t, do not force them to do so. It might increase the feelings of discontent between the both of you. Find out their reasons for not wanting to quit or wanting to quit. Sit down together and list down those reasons. Reason it out with them rationally in a calm and concerned manner. Do no attack them. They may still be persuaded to quit for the good of their loved ones.
Thirdly, if the person is more than willing to quit, offer your support. Be gentle and kind. If they relapses after a day or two of not smoking, do not reprimand or judge them. Understand that smoking, like all other addiction will have withdrawal symptoms. Pick them up and encourage them to keep on trying and never give up.
Remind them that although they may choose to be an active smoker, their family will be inhaling their second hand smoke. Bring out facts such as there are almost half a million of second hand smoke related deaths. Remind them at the same time that by choosing not to smoke, they will be choosing their family’s health over an addiction.
Discuss with them what to do when they feels the urge to smoke. Provide healthy and positive alternatives for them. Do not replace a bad habit with another bad habit. Here are some things you could suggest: call a friend, take a walk, and learn something new. Every time they have the urge to smoke, ask them to delay their urges by drinking water.
Constantly, keep in touch with them. Always ask them how they are doing. Give them daily encouragement. Tell them how proud you are of them for trying to quit.
Lastly, the first two or three weeks are always the most difficult for your friend. Plan a celebration or give them a treat for making through the week. Be patient with them and give them your support. All these will give your friends the much needed boost they need to quit smoking.